Sussex Co-op Membership
Joining a co-op can have many benefits. There are discounts available on the products you use on a daily basis; you are provided with excellent resources, and you become a part of a local tradition.
With a membership in Sussex Co-op, these benefits are easily recognizable.
We are glad to answer your questions about what makes up a co-op and how you can start your membership. Just browse through our website or contact us to learn more.
Price of Membership
The cost is $20/year plus HST and expires at the end of October every year. Membership can be renewed at our country store.
How Do I Participate As An Active Member at Sussex Co-op?
Members Are Our #1 Concern
How can you get involved?
1. By using the services your co-op provides as often as possible, you are helping to strengthen the organization.
2. Adults are encouraged to participate in their store by sitting on various committees and volunteering their time to lead our co-op to a successful future.
3. By attending the annual meeting, members can vote on issues and vote for board members.
4. By telling neighbours and friends about your store, you may be opening up an opportunity for others to become members who can benefit from membership as well.
Community Involvement
Because we have been a part of the community for so many years, we have grown alongside Sussex and its surrounding areas. Sussex Co-op is proud to partner with and be a part of various organizations and projects including: